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Your Vote Counts – Cast Yours Today  

Submit your vote for WeSERV's 2022 Board of Trustees election. This election is your opportunity to review each of our 13 Trustee-At-Large candidates and vote for up to two (2) candidates that you support and believe will best serve you and the association. Your voice matters, and we want to be sure that you have the opportunity choose your leaders who will help guide your association to the future. It all starts here!

Voting is open now through Tuesday, June 15, before 3 p.m.

Meet Your Candidates
These candidates display dedication to building a prosperous future for our association. Click here to view all of the candidates and submit your vote.
All current WeSERV members, including affiliates, are eligible and encouraged to vote. You may vote only one time. We'll announce the election winners after 5 p.m., on Wednesday, June 16, in the WeSERV Announcements email.

  • Use your NRDS ID as your Voter ID and your WeSERV password as your password to log in to cast your vote.
  • If your NRDS ID starts with a zero (0), don't include it.
  • We submitted user passwords on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. If you changed your password since that day and time, use your previous password.
  • Please be sure to not have a password keeper auto fill your information as your voter credentials.
For login information, please email membership at or call 480-477-5882, choose option 2.

Thank you for making a difference in your association!